Important Dates
Ballots Mailed to all registered voters
Deadline to drop off your voted ballot in a drop box ( by 4:30pm)
Election Day! Polls open 7:00 am to 7:00 pm
Deadline to register to vote online or in the Clerk/Treasurer Office before Election Day ( by 1pm)
Voters frequently asked questions
1) Is it too late to register to vote?
No. It’s not too late. You can register:
In-person: March 5th at your polling place
In-person: Clerk Treasurer's Office until March 1st
Online: Until March 4th, 1 pm
Not sure if you are already registered? Check your voter status here:
Polling places are dependent on what Ward you live in. If you don’t know your Ward, use the ward look-up tool here:
Ward Polling Locations
Ward 1: Mater Christi School, 50 Mansfield Avenue
Ward 2: O.N.E. Community Center, 20 Allen Street
Ward 3: Sustainability Academy/Lawrence Barnes Elementary School, 123 North Street
Ward 4: Elk's Lodge, 925 North Ave
Ward 5: Burlington Electric Department, 585 Pine Street
Ward 6: Edmunds Elementary School, 275 Main Street
Ward 7: Robert Miller Recreation Center, 130 Gosse Court
Ward 8: Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street
2) Where do I vote?
Yes, you can vote before March 4th, 2025, town meeting day. All active registered voters in Burlington will be mailed a ballot by February 12th. If you do not receive your ballot by February 19th, please contact the Clerk Treasurer’s Office. Once you have completed your ballot you may drop it off at:
Outgoing Mail Box:
The city recommends that if you mail your ballot in an outgoing mailbox, you should do so no later than February 25th
Your Polling Place:
Your polling place on the day of the election, March 4th, 7 am - 7 pm.
City Hall:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until February 28th.
On Monday, March 3rd, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Ballot Drop Boxes located at:
City Hall – Main Street side of the building across from the Flynn Theater
Department of Public Works – 645 Pine Street
Fire Station #2 – 132 North Avenue, rear of the building
Robert Miller Community Center – 130 Gosse Court
Fire Station #3 – 20 Mansfield Avenue
3) Can I vote early?
All Polling places are open between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on March 4th, Election day
4) When do the polls open and close?
Sample Ballots for all wards can be found below. Ballots include candidates and ballot questions. DO NOT PRINT AND SEND SAMPLE BALLOTS. All RESIDENTS MUST VOTE ON OFFICIAL BALLOTS SENT TO RESIDENTS’ ADDRESS OR GIVEN AT POLLING PLACES.
5) Who and what is on the ballot?
March 2023, Burlington residents voted to implement All Legal Resident Voting. It passed with 68% support. Allowing all Legal Residents to vote in our local elections gives a voice to members of the community who live, work, and pay taxes in Burlington.
Translations of this information is available in the following languages:
6) What is all legal resident voting?
What is rank choice voting?
Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is an election method that allows voters the option to rank candidates in order of preference (first choice, second choice, third choice, and so on). Ranking candidates is different from simply selecting one candidate or what is known as plurality voting. If a candidate receives more than 50% of the first choices, that candidate wins, just like in any other election. However, if there is no majority winner after counting the first choices, the race is decided by an instant runoff. The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voters who ranked that candidate as their first choice will have their votes count for their next choice. This process continues until only two candidates remain; the remaining candidate with the greatest number of votes is elected.
Last year VPIRG created a video to help voters understand Burlington Ranked Choice Voting. View the video below for a quick explainer.
7) What is rank choice voting?
*Please Note that much of this information is sourced directly from City of Burlington. "Elections." Burlington, VT Official Website,